a hand over a salad

The “If/Then” Plan For Breaking Bad Habits

If/Then Plan for Breaking Bad Habits

Have you heard of the if/then plan for breaking bad habits? If not, keep reading.

Our habits are formed by making consistent and consecutive choices. Existing unhealthy habits make starting a new behavior for healthier habits challenging. 

The promotion of healthier habits rests upon the assumption that people will make better choices if they understand the negative impact of the poor choice. 

Don’t eat too many fattening foods or you could increase your risk for heart disease. 

Don’t eat processed and sugary foods or you will gain weight. 

However, studies show that people are usually not actually motivated into action simply by learning the generalized risk of behavior. In fact, most people are hesitant to personalize associated risks and overly confident that they won’t be impacted. 

The mindset of “one time won’t hurt” easily becomes a pattern and a habit. 

So how can you shift that mindset to develop healthier patterns?

Develop a simple “if/then” plan. 

If (opportunity/obstacle) occurs, then I will (do this).

If I am tempted to eat cookies in the afternoon, then I will have an apple instead. 

By creating a plan ahead of time that specifies how you will respond to certain triggers and scenarios, you are significantly (and scientifically) more likely to respond with the healthy choices that you conceptualized. 

In one behavioral science study, participants who practiced an if/then plan were compliant with following a medication schedule 79% of the time while those without an if/then plan were only compliant 55% of the time. 

What is a healthy habit that you want to start? Make an if/then plan to break a bad habit and take your first steps in building a new habit! Share your goal and your if/then plan with us.

Ready to start creating healthy habits? Sign up for our 12-week Healthier You program. Contact us today and let’s get you started.

Move. Smile. Breathe.