Tag: staying healthy

  • Getting Back to Exercise

    Getting Back to Exercise

    I know about 6 weeks ago a lot of us set a goal to get more exercise or movement into our lives. How has that been going? If you are like most people life has gotten busy and some of your plans have fallen to the back burner. Life happens. Here are some tips to…

  • How to Build Your Immune System and Fight Viruses

    How to Build Your Immune System and Fight Viruses

    We know we’re all in this boat together as we’re fighting the Coronavirus and other viruses like the flu. We’re trying to stay healthy and help keep others around us healthy too! We want to help you out and give you a few pointers on how to build your immune system as a preventative measure…

  • Using Essential Oils to Stay Healthy

    Using Essential Oils to Stay Healthy

    Are you using essential oils to figh the changing seasons where you live?  We sure are here in Houston.  We went from 90 degrees to 30 degrees in a day!  It was ridiculous.  I’m not even sure Fall stopped by this year.  We went straight from summer to winter!   The quickly changing seasons are almost…