Tag: eat at home

  • How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

    How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

    Eating healthy doesn’t have to break the bank – in fact, there are tricks that you can use to eat healthy on a budget. Here are a few ideas you can implement today: Meal planning, cooking at home, and making wise choices at the grocery store can make your dollar go further on a tight…

  • 6 Simple Ways To Eat Better at Home

    6 Simple Ways To Eat Better at Home

    One big adjustment that 2020 brought into many of our lives is the amount of time that we are spending inside our houses.  Working from home, along with limitations on our social gatherings and outings, and having our kids home from school all day have been BIG changes.  As we have all adjusted to the…

  • Lasagna Chili Recipe

    Lasagna Chili Recipe

    This Lasagna Chili recipe is one of our go-to meals when the weather outside is chilly and we want something warm and filling inside our bodies. It’s full of meat and veggies plus some cheese! Yum! You can’t go wrong with this recipe! Plus it’s super quick to prepare and have on the table to…

  • Our Top Ways to Save Money for Family Trips!

    Our Top Ways to Save Money for Family Trips!

    Hey y’all! I’m sharing some of our best ways to save money for family trips! Oh, the power of a penny!  In 2007 our family took our first official family of 4 trip.  It was the beginning of August and school was about to start back in a week and I had watched (on Facebook)…