My First Day as a Stay at Home Mom

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Well, here we GO!  Day 1 of being a stay at home mom.  

This morning we successfully all work up on time and thank goodness because it’s the first day of school.  Sean, my senior, sets his own alarm and rolls out of bed around 5:45 am I think.  I’m not really sure because my alarm goes off at 6:00 am. However, I did get up just a few minutes before my alarm went off today.  

Greg, my husband, was already up and dressed and on his way to start cooking breakfast for the kids and I.  Greg gets up at 5:30 am.  He is truly the only morning person at our house.  (Unfortunately, he married me, the night owl.)  

Last night before we went to bed I asked the kids what they wanted to eat for breakfast since today was the first day of school.  I used a small marker board I had to write out the meal plans for the day and placed it on the counter by the stove for this morning.  We’ll see how well this works, but at least it gives everyone an idea of what we’re eating for the day and will hopefully encourage us to eat dinner at home and not grab fast food!  

Our white board for daily meals

Greg rarely even eats breakfast so he turned on the Keurig and started cooking bacon for everyone.  Once I came into the kitchen I made myself my cup of hot Irish breakfast tea and Greg made himself his bulletproof coffee.  He prepared a fried egg for Sean and scramble eggs for me.  He’s awesome like that.  :)

Around this time is when Rylee woke up and said good morning to everyone.  She woke up earlier than I expected, but I’m sure it was first day of school excitement.  She’s started 6th grade today at a new school with mostly new people.  We’re really hoping she has some friends from church or her cousin in a class or two.  She’ll find out today and tomorrow because the school rotates between A schedule and B schedule days.  

We all sat down at the mostly cleaned off kitchen table to “eat” breakfast together.  This is actually one of my favorite times of the day.  I love that we sit around the table together and visit for a bit before heading off into our separate directions for the day.  

Picture Time 

So Sean’s school starts early!  7:00 am. So we had to grab the first day of school picture before he and Greg headed out the door.  In previous years I’ve always taken the first day of school picture with the kids because I was teaching and it was my first day of a new school year too.  I asked everyone last night if I was supposed to be in the picture or not this year and they all said yes thankfully.  Sean said I needed to be in it because I’m Mom, Greg said I needed to be in it for size comparison continuity, and Rylee said I need to be in it because it’s my first day of staying at home.  LOL 

First Day of School 2018-2019

I’m predicting that I’ll be the shortest person in the house by the end of the year.  I think Rylee will outgrow me this year because I swear the girls all grow like giants in 6th grade!  I remember picking Sean up from school at the end of 6th grade and wondering where all of the super tall girls came from?  

We grabbed a few extra pictures this year too since it’s Sean’s senior year.  I cannot believe it!  Where has time gone, Y’all?! 

Of course Rylee wanted a picture with Dad too then!  

The time gap

So Rylee’s school doesn’t start until 8:25 am.  Once the guys left we had basically an hour to spend this morning and we weren’t sure what we were going to do during the time.  We spent part of it while Rylee ate some bacon and then some yogurt.  (She decided against the cereal because she was nervous.) 

After that chatted for a bit until she decided she wanted to do some yoga to calm down.  We did about 20 minutes of stretches and yoga poses together in the living room.  

Then we decided to look at her school’s website and see if we could find pictures of her teachers.  We did not find pictures of the teachers, but we did find their web pages.  She decided she’s going to like her science teacher because she has a fun web page.  Let’s hope so!

And then it was time to go!  

We thought leaving 20 minutes early would be okay for a school that is 5 minutes from us, but instead, we sat in a LOT of traffic!  :(  She ended up being 20 minutes late!  So we’ve already made plans to leave 15 minutes earlier tomorrow.  


So here we are at the anxiety part of it all.  Rylee has been worried about starting at the new school since December of last year.  Yes, seriously she has been.  I hate to say it, but I’m sure she gets it from me.  In the 9th-Grade I had a stomach ulcer because of how much I worried.  :( And I wasn’t worried about anything major.  Mainly I worried about making good grades, staying out of trouble, and my friends.  

Rylee has been worried off and on since December.  It got better and then started up again at the end of May.  We’ve been semi-dreading today for a while now. We’ve prayed a lot for good teachers, new friends, and a good school year.  I’ve told her that I have a good friend there at her school who happens to be one of the counselors and if she ever needs anything to go talk to her.  (Thank you for being there Mrs. Hobbs!)  

As I was laying down to sleep last night Greg mentioned the hard drop off I would have today and I told him I had just been thinking about it too.  I prayed some more until I fell asleep.  

This morning Rylee seemed pretty good overall.  She was really hoping she would get to school in time to see her cousin before she had to go to her first class.  Unfortunately, that did not happen due to the traffic. 

When we got inside the school drop off area and I told her, “The next time I pull up you’ll need to get out.”

She unbuckled her seat belt and the tears started.  

My stomach dropped.  I knew it was coming, and I needed to be strong.  

I rubbed her shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.  The teachers will look out for you.  I’ll be here to pick you up after school.  Don’t worry.”

And by then it was time for her to get out.  She was wiping tears off of her face and trying to find the handle through her wet eyes to open the door.  She grabbed her backpack and I handed her the bundle of tissue boxes she needed to turn in to her social studies teacher. 

And she was off.  I didn’t have time to stay and watch because I needed to move on so the cars behind me could pull up and let their kids out, but I was hoping some nice teacher would see that she was upset and offer to help her find her way to her first class and maybe offer her some comforting words along the way.  

My New Normal

So now I need to figure out what my new normal will be for me here at home.  

Once I dropped Rylee off I updated Greg on the traffic and how she did at the hard drop off we were both concerned about.  

I came home and set a timer on my phone to clean for 30 minutes.  Then I  played some of my REFIT music while I cleaned.  Actually, I sweat some too!  I’m hoping to make that little 30-minute cleaning spree a daily thing to hopefully keep the house looking nicer than it usually does.  (Mass chaos LOL)

Then I sat down to work on this blog post.  I’m trying out the new Gutenberg layout because it said it’s coming whether we like it or not.  Actually, I really like it!  It seems SUPER easy to figure out and modify.  

As for the rest of my day, I need to prepare and record my video for my REV + FLOW instructor module 3 assignment. I had hoped to already have it done and submitted by August 14th, but I haven’t gotten it done yet.  So now my due date for myself is this Friday, August 24th!

Are you a stay at home mom?  Let me know what you do with your time! 

Well, guess I should get busy on that video!  

Hope you have a great day!