Healthy Side Dishes for Thanksgiving

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Are you ready for Thanksgiving this year? I know I am!

I LOVE Thanksgiving!

It’s my favorite Fall holiday because it’s when we get together with family and friends and focus on being thankful!

We don’t focus on presents.

Instead, we focus on being thankful for what we already have in our lives.

We don’t focus on costumes.

We focus on being thankful for our real selves and our real friends and family.

But what about the food?

But what about the food? Is it really healthy and good for our bodies?

I want you to be able to focus on the gratitude of Thanksgiving without worrying about the food and whether or not what you are eating or serving is healthy or not for you and your guests.

So today I’m sharing some of our favorite healthy side dishes that we recommend for Thanksgiving.

Faux Mashed Potatoes

Faux Mashed Potatoes recipe

This is one of the recipes we learned from the Daniel Plan. We like to use it at Easter too!

The first time we served it to our family at Easter and no one even knew it wasn’t potatoes and they still raved about how good the “mashed potatoes” were!

The recipe does require a leek and if you’ve never bought one you’ll want to know what they look like before you head to the grocery store.

If you’ve never seen a leek before, this is it!

Grab the Faux Mashed Potatoes recipe here!

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

This is so sweet and filling. You will be surprised how far it goes!

It’s best if you have a nice full-size blender or an immersion blender to prepare this soup and if you have a good pair of silicon gloves to handle the hot squash.

Grab the Butternut Squash Recipe here!

Sauteed Sweet Carrots

Sautéed Sweet Carrots Recipe

These carrots are fairly quick and easy to prepare for both a normal weeknight dinner or lunch or for special occasions. They are easy to “dress up” with some chopped pecans for holiday meals and they don’t require many ingredients.

If you want to make your work go a little faster, you can grab a vegetable chopper off of Amazon.

Grab the recipe for the Sautéed Sweet Carrots here.

Fresh Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe

This is the freshest way to make sweet potato casserole. No canned yams, but fresh whole sweet potatoes.

You might want the silicon gloves for this recipe too. You know, hot potato 1, hot potato 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Grab the Sweet Potato Casserole recipe here.

Let us know

Do you have any favorite healthy side dishes? Let us know and maybe we can feature one for a future post!

We hope you enjoy this time with your family and friends and no matter what happens this year, may you remember the meaning of Thanksgiving.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

1 Chronicles 16:34

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

Move Smile Breathe

Remember to keep gratitude at the forefront of your day. Here are some reminders of why gratitude is important.