Can You Actually Lose Weight By Drinking Water?

Can you actually lose weight just by drinking water? It seems too easy, right?

Drink more water and lose weight…

And yet, it is true.

Staying hydrated can help you lose weight.

Here is why…

💧 Water helps break down fats in our bodies. The very first step of the body’s process for metabolizing fat occurs when water molecules interact with triglycerides (fats). Drinkiing enough water is necessary to remove the fat you are eating each day as well as any stored fat on your body.

💧  Drinking water increases the rate at which your body burns calories. Studies have shown that drinking water can increase your resting energy expenditure by 24-30%. Drinking cold water may actually increase the body’s energy burn even more than drinking room temperature water because the body tries to warm itself up to equalize your body’s temperature after drinking cold water.

💧 Hydration improves workouts by decreasing fatigue. You can work out longer and burn more calories when you are hydrated. Muscle is about 80% water. If you don’t stay hydrated, your physical performance can suffer through cramps and fatigue.

💧 Drinking plenty of water can also prevent you from overeating. Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal can decrease your appetite and calorie intake. Drinking water causes your stomach to feel full and this fullness decreases your body’s hunger.

💧 Additionally, dehydration can actually cause you to eat MORE. WHAT?! Studies show that not drinking enough water can create a weight loss plateau and prevent you from meeting your wellness goals.

Make it a priority to drink plenty of water throughout the day – especially before, during, and after a workout – instead of just drinking when you are thirsty. 

Stay hydrated, friends!

If you’d like to challenge yourself to drink 8 glasses of water a day for 7 (or 30) days check out our water challenge post.

Ponytail holders seem to last awhile longer than rubber bands, but those work too.

I use colorful pony tail holders on my water bottle to remind me to drink enough water each day. 

Comment below if you are going to try the water challenge

Move. Smile. Breathe.

P.S. if you need some more reasons to drink water check this out!

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